Native speaker Jody
Anglický jazyk vyučujeme prirodzeným spôsobom. Náš lektor Jody Winchester je native speaker a je súčasťou výchovno-vzdelávacieho procesu v materskej škole.
Spoznajte Jody:
About me …
My name is Jody Winchester and I come from a “smaller” city called Portland, Oregon in the U.S. I came to Slovakia in 1993 and was asked to teach English at the Civil Engineering (above ground building) high school. In 1999 I left this school to have a rest and decided to get a small business license teaching English at a few companies in the local area and also teaching privately. However, in 2000 I started teaching at M.M. Hodzu high school and in 2005 left that school. Other schools I have taught at include The Lutheran Bilingual high school, the medical high school, The Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Dotyk – in Ruzomberok, and after school English clubs in L. Mikulas. Currently I am teaching at the Military Language school in Demanova, in Ruzomberok at the Private Bilingual high school, and privately in L. Mikulas.
In my free time I like doing many things… playing the guitar, singing, reading, watching good videos, making jewelry and spending time with friends and traveling. I currently reside in the small and quiet village of Zavazna Poruba.